
MTV、Levi's、FIFA2010バドワイザーのポスターなど数々のメインビジュアルを手掛ける。 ニューヨークギャラリー展2006出展。2008年、日中韓の三ヶ国LOVE&PEACE展出展。日本のイラストレーターとして展覧会と交流パーティへ参加。海外のクリエーターと交流を深める。 ライブペイントではSUMMER SONICやUNIVERSAL CITYWALK OSAKAにライブペイント出演を果たすとその様子が音楽雑誌NMEのウェブやMTVの番組で取り上げられる等、パフォーマーとしても国内外のメディアから注目を浴びる。現在HUMMER JAPANの地下ガレージの壁画を担当し、人気レディースブランド「RODEO CROWNS」とのコラボレートアイテムを手掛け、元大関の小錦八十吉氏やPARSONZなどの大御所アーティストのCDジャケット、長渕剛氏のコンサートグッズ等も同時に手掛けその作品と活躍の幅をさらに大きく広げた。

From the heart of Japan, top-ranked visuals come streaming out into the world through the graphic artist and founder of "FUZZHEAD-STUDIO," Mr. Kaoru Sauda. He has worked on countless VISUAL works for clients including MTV, Levi's, and Universal City Walk Osaka. His artwork has traveled around the world with other international artists to spread his message of "peace" starting with a New York Gallery Exhibition in 2006. In 2008, Mr. Sauda participated in a tri-country (Japanese/Korean/Chinese) exhibition "LOVE & PEACE" in Seoul, Korea. On the street scene he continues LIVE PAINT performances at a variety of clubs and Summer Sonic, which has made him the center of the media's attention as THE performer at this event. He also appears on MTV Japan, and on "NME" music magazine's a website. In 2009, Mr. Sauda began signing his real name, Kaoru Sauda, to his artwork. He has created everything from the CD jacket for famous ex-sumo wrestler KONISHIKI to baseball team goods for a popular Japanese professional baseball team, The Chunichi Dragons.